We’ve reason to thank God –  DUFUHS vice chancellor

Vice Chancellor, Prof. Jesse Uneke at the event | Image: Nweze Anaga

‘People of gratitude can never be stranded in life’

By Nweze Anaga,


David Umahi Federal University of Health Sciences has every reason to thank and appreciate God for His mercies and kindness in the year 2023, says the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Jesse Uneke.

Uneke stated this during the Thanksgiving service organized to show appreciation to God, recently.

His words: “We are alive because God is not yet done with us. We have every reason to thank Him because no life was lost in 2023.”

He further disclosed that the institution transited fully to Federal University; accreditation of courses, massive increase in the number of students enrollment, among other great achievements within a short time.

He said that the school had resolved to always thank God at the beginning of every academic section.

“The reason you are still alive is that God is not yet done with you. Most times, we tend to forget what God has done for us so easily.

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“Even as a university, we are all witnesses to what God did massively. We acknowledged that it is God that kept us in 2023. We didn’t lose any staff in 2023. Also, we didn’t lose any student in 2023; we have every reason to thank God for all He has done for us.

“We transited fully to Federal University; our students have increased from 53 to over a thousand students. This is one of the fastest growing universities in the world.

“When you look at your families, there is no form of evil surrounding us. God has been good to the staff of this university and this is why we are here to celebrate and tell God that we are grateful for bringing us into the brand new year 2024.

“We are very grateful and that is why we are here .It is our resolution that at the beginning of every academic section, we will come together as a university to thank God for all He has done for us.”

While delivering his sermon on the topic: “Dangers of Ingratitude,” the state pastor of Living Faith Church, Abakaliki, Pastor Oluwole Wise, said that men and women of gratitude can never be stranded in life because God is able to do more than imagined, according to Eph 3: 20.

Oluwole further noted that Thanksgiving is the power behind all the miracles happening in DUFUHS because the scripture says in all things, we should give thanks.


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