Ikpeazu, Nto  deserve commendation on ASCETA giant stride, says Amaju Augustine



…urges governor to approve NCCE salary structure 


By Mandy Park    


Lecturer and  researcher,  Amaju Augustine, has lauded the immense contributions of Abia State governor, Dr Okezie Ikpeazu, and the Provost of Abia State College of Education Technical Arochukwu (ASCETA) on the massive development recorded in the institution.

Besides, Augustine wants governor Ikpeazu to approve the NCCE salary structure which is implemented in other institutions of same status.

He said that the governor had tackled the myriad of problems facing the college, stressing that he is God-sent.

His words: “Truth must be told in its sincerity and when it matters most. Abia state college of education (Technical) Arochukwu (ASCETA) is a great citadel of learning and a center where seasoned teachers and great educators are trained and nurtured for innovative educational advancement in our ever changing contemporary society.

“Like any other higher institutions in the state, Nigeria and the word at large;  ASCETA have passed through bliss and turbulent seas with its peculiar problems.

“Notably, among the myriad of problems facing the college before Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu  ascended into  office as the governor of Abia state in 2015 include :Poor infrastructure, Poor staff welfare, Poor  internal road net-work, Poor access road  linking the college to other communities in the state and the neighbouring states, Non-implementation of the salary structure called CONPCASS and CONTEDISS  approved by the National commission for colleges of education  (NCCE) since 2011 coupled with low students population.

“Remarkably, upon ascension into office in 2015, Governnor Okezie Victor Ikpeazu , as a messiah of our time and best visitor of the college swung into action; beamed his touch light into ASCETA with a view to unravel  the opaque veil  obstructing  the growth light and dampling the development of the college, and as every journey in life has a beginning and starts with a step at a time, Goevernor Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, being  an erudite scholar , season technocrat and administrator with love for education who knows the right angle of projection to attain his desired goals; in a view to give ASCETA a face lift released subventions to clear the eight months (8) salary arrears owned the college before his ascension into office; hoping to attend to other pressing issues Retarding the growth of the college before the series of inhibiting hands of court litigations which began and lasted bringing  all positive plans of the governor for the college to a stand-still.

“Strigently, as a relentless and dogged leader who always thinks the good welfare of its work force; haven not relented in doing what he knows best to do, governor Okezie victor Ikpeazu has been ensuring the welfare of ASCETA staff is attended through the timely release of monthly Subvensions to the college which he exemplified yet his magnanimity by releasing another twelve (12) months subvensions to the college last year December 2021, amidst dwindling economy and good management of scarce  resources , earning him the best Visitor the college.

“On the side of infrastructural  developments of ASCETA, governor  Ikpeazu has done marvelously well.

“This giant stride in infrastructural  developments of ASCETA  a ‘’ dynamics’’ which is conspicuously evidence in the college with  its good testmonies was intrinsincally made possible through the dogged efforts of the ‘’August gift’’  he gave to the college, a seasoned technocrat, in the person of current provost of the college Dr. Philip Nto who has  stopped at nothing to ensure that the narratives of ASCETA changes for the better,”

Augustine noted that tenure of Dr Nto has witnessed gigantic developments both in infrastructure and academic repositioning.

He disclosed further that “Through the support of Dr. Okezie Ikpazu, the governor of Abia state, Dr Philip Nto, in a bid to improve the infractural outlook of the college had  constructed more than eight (8) gingantic  academic buildings which includes school of social science, School of Vocational

Education, modern fish ponds, New school of science building,

“The first modern auditorium of the college, New school of education, modern library of world class standard, school of general studies building, school of business education building, a modern bee nest for school of agricultural science education, ongoing internal school road networks, installation of new transformer to reconnect the college to the national grid and other ongoing projects in the college.

“Also, Dr Philip Nto has performed well on the area of staff welfare. Since in office, Dr Nto abolished the evil and obnoxious practices in the college by the past administrators.He abolished fixed salary payment to workers properly placed and regularized the salary of staff members who were subjected to such ill fate for years before he took over the mantle of leadership.

“Dr Philip Nto  also opened  the windows for the staff of the college both academic and non-academic staff to access tetfund interventions accordingly which was rarely feasible before his inception into office, among other efforts geared towards improving staff welfare of the college.

“While all these achievements can-not be denied by even the blind, a little more need to be done. If the smoking wood is not removed from the fire, the kitchen and its managers will continue to bleed with itching eyes.

“In line with the forgoing, ASCETA like other related institutions in the state; Synonymously,  for implementation of its salary structure “CONPCASS and CONDETISS” Approved by the National commission for colleges of education “NCCE” since 2011, and agitated for, using various labour union instruments which included negotiations and strike actions but all to no avail.

“Unbiasely, it is worthy to note that this demands and agitations had been in existence before Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu ascended into office as governor of Abia state and Dr. Philip Nto appointed as provost of ASCETA.

“However, till date, other institutions which included ABSU, Abia Polytechnique and school of health Aba, have gotten their approved and enhanced salary structures implemented by the Abia state government EXCEPT ASCETA.

“One thing is remarkable, it was a governor that approved the implementation of the enhanced salary structure of these higher institutions in the state and history documented it for them as a “memorial.”

“If nothing is done now, to implement the enhanced salary structure CONPCASS and CONTEDISS of ASCETA, the incoming government may maintain the status quo.


“This will deepen the woes of the college which the provost Dr. Philip Nto is striving relentlessly to revive.To put smiles on the face of ASCETA and its workers, it’s expedient to plead on the good office of governor okezie  victor Ikpeazu, like the Moses of our time out of his magninimity and the discretion of his good  office as the governor of the state; to give ASCETA a sense of belonging by granting to the college management the implementation of their approved and long awaited salary structure by NCCE since 2011 and enjoyed by other colleges of education in Nigeria except ASCETA through increase in their monthly subventions to avert imminent sanctions by NCCE against the college”.



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