Okpaleke and the journey to Rome

Bishop of Ekwulobia, Most Rev. Peter Okpaleke (file image)

By Valentine Obienyem

I originally wrote this article in 2022. A persistent fan’s text message encouraged me to republish it, and possibly turn it into a pamphlet. Here is the original article

The journey to Rome was pleasant and joyous: A Nigerian, the Bishop of Ekwulobia, Most Rev. Dr. Peter Okpaleke, was among the 20 Cardinals created by Pope Francis. It was truly a glorious interlude for a country where news is often dominated by shocking events — kidnappings, beheadings, rape, and plunder.

There is no vocabulary of decadence that our dear country does not accommodate.

Indeed, one of the aforementioned shocking events was the rejection, ten years ago (7th December 2012), by Ahiara Diocese of Bishop Okpaleke’s appointment as their Bishop, and his subsequent prevention from taking canonical possession of the Diocese.

 This led to his resignation on 19th February 2018.

At one point, when viewed through the lens of the world, he was considered the most persecuted Bishop in Nigeria. However, he did not appear so, continuing steadfastly in his episcopal mission. When he was eventually appointed a Cardinal, the joy was universal.

 It seems to be the Pope’s unique way of elevating someone as an example of Christian living, apostolic patience, and deep humility.

Appointing a Cardinal is by no means an easy task. During the 1563 Ecumenical Council of Trent, Pope Pius IV revealed the mindset of Popes when selecting Cardinals.

His words: “Nothing is more necessary to the Church of God than that the Holy Roman Pontiff apply the solicitude which, by the duty of his office, he owes the universal Church in a very special way, by associating with himself as Cardinals only the most select persons, and appointing to each church the most upright and competent shepherds; and this the more so because our Lord Jesus Christ will require at his hands the blood of Christ’s sheep that perish through the evil governance of shepherds who are negligent and forgetful of their office.”

Cardinal Okpaleke was appointed due to his plenitude of apostolic virtues.

The foregoing explains why over 300 Nigerians from across the Federation attended the Consistory, where Okpaleke received the Red Hat.

 The organisation of the event was superb. Professor Fr. Anthony Chiegboka, Fr. Christian Umeojinaka, Fr. Lawrence Nwankwo, Fr. Michael Muonwe, Fr. Nicolas Abazie, and other priests were at their best. Even in a hurriedly written piece, may I recognise the presence of Fr. Emmanuel Udechukwu.

Before other priests, whose names I have not mentioned, including some of my old teachers, raise objections, may I inform them that I served Fr. Emmanuel Udechukwu at Mass in the early eighties.

He, in fact, took me to the seminary for registration at Akpu.

We must also respectfully acknowledge the presence of our Governor, Prof. Charles Soludo. His actions at the event once again reflected his goodwill for the state.

 In a spirit of fraternity, he joined us at Masses and shared in our joy as we celebrated Fr. Alphonsus Ezeoke’s 60th birthday.

Also read: Epiphany, Catholicism and the verdict of tradition

Many other distinguished Anambrarians and Nigerians were also in Rome. To mention everyone would be exhaustive, but we especially remember the presence of two traditional rulers whom the Cardinal specially recognised: Igwe Ohazulume of Amesi, Eze P.C. Iwu from Ahiara, and his own Igwe, Igwe Raphael Okpaleke.

Thanks to the organisers, some of whom I have already mentioned, for maximising the trip.

Rather than paying millions of Naira to partake in the Consistory alone, they artfully turned it into a pilgrimage. Thus, the opportunity was taken to visit the historic and religious sites of Rome. Some of us even ventured beyond Rome.

I read what Fr. Augustine Nnadi wrote about his visit to his beloved St. Maria Goretti. Those of us with a love for the classics went as far as Naples, where I visited the ruins of Pompeii, a UNESCO heritage site, as well as Mt. Vesuvius, which erupted in AD 79 and, with the molten magma that escaped its confines, buried the city of Pompeii, later to be excavated.

Despite being an active volcano, why does the Italian Government still allow people to live within the vicinity of that catastrophe?

Also read: Catholic church: Ahiara Diocese gets new bishop

However, since our visit primarily concerned the Cardinalate, let us offer a brief exposition for a fuller understanding and appreciation of the lofty position to which our brother has been elevated, as he has effectively become a Prince of the Church.

Experts in Church history would inform us that there was a time when even laymen were appointed as Cardinals. They would also recount the many changes the institution has undergone, with different Popes promulgating various bulls to effect those changes.

For instance, in 1059, through the bull titled,  “In Nomine Domini”, Pope Nicholas II granted Cardinals the exclusive right to elect new Popes.

We have even witnessed Popes exercising their authority to override Church laws by appointing more Cardinals than originally prescribed.

The key point to note here is that the Sacred College, also known as the College of Cardinals, plays a vital role in the life of the Pope. This body acts as his advisers, and in the spirit of apostleship, he seeks their counsel whenever necessary.

There are three classes of Cardinals: Cardinal Deacons, Cardinal Priests, and Cardinal Bishops. Cardinal Deacons, from whom Francis Cardinal Arinze began his service, are either officials of the Roman Curia or priests over 80 years old who are no longer eligible to participate in the Conclave. Cardinal Priests, which is the designation of other Nigerian Cardinals, including our own Okpaleke, are mostly diocesan bishops, though some are also Curia Cardinals.

Cardinal Bishops, which Francis Cardinal Arinze eventually became, are the highest-ranking Cardinals, appointed titular Bishops of one of the Suburbicarian Sees, such as Velletri-Segni for Arinze.

The Pope meets with the Cardinals officially in consistories.

Consistories can be ordinary or extraordinary, whether secret, semi-secret, or public.

It is during secret consistories that new Cardinals are named, and the Pope presents them with sapphire rings as a symbol of their office.

If a Cardinal is from a distant country, the Pope assigns him an honorary position as the head of a diocese in Italy. Okpaleke, for instance, is the Cardinal Priest of Santi Martiri dell’Uganda a Poggioreale Ameno, with which he maintains a titular relationship.

At secret consistories, the Pope also creates the Cardinal Camerlengo, the Chancellor of the Catholic Church.

Assisted by the Vice-Camerlengo, they lead the Apostolic Camera. The Camerlengo’s duties are confined to the period of “Sede Vacante,” during which he is expected to present the state of the Papacy’s finances to the College of Cardinals as they prepare for the Conclave.

In semi-public consistories, the Pope meets with Cardinals and Bishops. This gathering is where they discuss candidates for beatification and canonisation.

Such a consistory took place on the 27th, immediately after the new Princes of the Church received their red hats.

It is worth noting that Popes sometimes appoint Cardinals *in pectore*—secretly, to protect them from persecution in regions where the Church is still oppressed.

If the appointment is not publicly declared before the Pope’s death, the Cardinal’s position lapses; otherwise, the Cardinal assumes his role from the date of his original appointment.

The primary function of the College of Cardinals is to elect a new Pope. Initially, only Cardinal Bishops performed this task, but in 1179, the Third Lateran Council extended this right to the entire College of Cardinals.

When a Pope dies, a member of the College verifies his death by tapping the Pope’s forehead three times with a silver mallet while calling him by his baptismal name.

He then announces, “The Pope is truly dead.”

In the interim, the Sacred College assumes the Pope’s duties.

During the election of a new Pope, the College of Cardinals is referred to as “The Conclave.” While in the Conclave, the Cardinals sever all communication with the outside world. On the day of the election, the Mass of the Holy Spirit is celebrated to seek divine guidance in decision-making.

The actual voting takes place in the Sistine Chapel (constructed in the Vatican Palace by Pope Sixtus IV in 1473).

Some of us had the privilege of visiting the Chapel during our time in Rome.

The Conclave begins between the 15th and 18th day after the Pope’s death. After voting, if a new Pope is not elected, the scrutinies (ballots) are burnt with a mixture of straw to produce black smoke. Once a Pope is elected, the straw is burnt alone to produce white smoke, signalling the election to those outside, who then exclaim: “Viva il Papa” (“Long Live the Pope”).

The Cardinals proceed to pay their first homage to the Pope-elect. The senior Cardinal Deacon (Protodeacon) then steps onto the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica and announces to the people in Latin: “Habemus Papam” (“We have a Pope”).

The new Pope makes his first appearance and gives his blessing: *Urbi et Orbi* (“To the City and to the World”).

The Pope-elect chooses the day and location for his installation, which has often been St. Peter’s Basilica. On that day, the Pope is carried on a portable throne in a procession from the Vatican to St. Peter’s.

The Protodeacon places the “Pallium” on the new Pope, and after the Mass, a three-tiered crown (Tiara) is placed on his head, after which he gives his blessing.

The Cardinals then pay a second homage.

However, in 1978, Pope John Paul I eliminated many of these traditional ceremonies. He walked in the procession and chose to have a pallium placed over his shoulders, symbolising his pastoral responsibilities as head of the Church.

Subsequent Popes, including Pope John Paul II, followed this example.

The foregoing partly represents the workings of the papacy, so wonderfully organised.

In fact, if the organisation of government were an art, the papacy would be the most imposing masterpiece in history. This does not imply that the papacy is perfect; it has its troubles, like any other institution run by the sons of Adam.

We have seen anti-Popes, the Avignon Papacy, and Popes who were epitomes of moral degeneracy, alongside many achievements. A parody book was written by Erasmus—the famous man regarded as having laid the egg of the Reformation, which Martin Luther eventually hatched—about a Pope, Julius II, who, upon arriving in Heaven, was prevented by St. Peter from entering due to his poor representation.

 Erasmus claimed that Julius took the name not in honour of Julius I, but in emulation of Julius Caesar. In his book, The Prince, Machiavelli held Julius II up as the ideal Prince.

It was some of the troubles of the papacy that led to the erection of its high walls, as well as the creation of the Concordat and the Lateran Treaty.

Beyond witnessing, on August 27, 2022, alongside Cardinals Arinze and Onaiyekan, other bishops, priests, and seminarians, the reception of the Red Hat by Peter Cardinal Okpaleke, we also explored the spiritual, political, and artistic riches of Rome.

It was yet another opportunity to observe how nations prepare themselves for greatness using whatever resources are available to them.

Like the people of Israel, the Italians have made full use of their rich historical past by packaging it into tourism, through which they generate billions of dollars annually.

Has Nigeria, as a country, attempted to harness her own unique assets?

As we traversed Rome, we observed several key aspects of the city.

Determined not to let Roman origins be outshone by rival legends, our guide recounted the story of the twin brothers, Remus and Romulus—half-history, half-myth—who were born at Castel Gandolfo and, through the mystery of history, came to Rome and established the city.

This story resonated when we visited the Pope’s summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, overlooking the beautiful, volcanic Lake Albano, which is 200 metres deep.

For me, it was an encounter with history, having first heard about Castel Gandolfo from our saintly Spiritual Director, Fr. Paul Nwaelom, in the eighties.

 The scenic beauty of the lake tempts even those who cannot swim to jump into it, with its beautiful and attractive beaches. In Nigeria, such lakes would likely serve as centres for sacrifices to known and unknown gods!

At Castel Gandolfo, we visited the old Church of St. Thomas of Villanova. As it was a Sunday, Mass was in progress. Our guide explained that the village is home to 500 people and had, since the 17th century, been used by the Popes until Pope Francis—who only visited the castle twice—converted it into a museum.

 This marked the end of the customary complex and mystifying ceremony for the installation of a new Pope. Why strip the Church of the small mysteries that clothe her in spiritual mystique?

At Castel Gandolfo, we discussed how meticulously the Italians preserve their historic landmarks. For Fr. John Umeojiakor, this is the essence of tourism.

Like many of us, he is pained by how Nigerians often destroy old landmarks without valid reasons. Having lived in Austria for a long time, Fr. Umeojiakor is well-versed in conservation and restoration.

He shared his experience: “When I wanted to renovate the church I shepherded, I had to, by law, inform the ‘Denkmalamt’ (Monument Office). Such work can only proceed with their approval, which is contingent on using a certified restorer for the renovation.”

In Nigeria, we have seen priests demolish churches that could have become tourist attractions today, only to replace them with larger, unnecessary structures.

From Castel Gandolfo, we visited the town of Frascati, which our well-informed guide described as the most popular town in the Alban Hills, renowned for its wine and olive oil.

Drawing a comparison with Nigeria, one of us remarked that while Italians use olive oil for cooking, in Nigeria, we use it for “casting and binding” the ever-present Satan.

Frascati hosts one of the Suburbicarian dioceses within the Cathedral of St. Peter. We also saw the Villa of Tusculum, which is now used as a reception venue for events.

On the second day after the consistory, we set off for the Catacomb of Domitilla. Catacombs are part of the history of Christianity and remind us of what early Christians suffered and how they propagated and held onto their faith, regardless.

History, which knows everything, tells us that nascent Christianity was troubled on many fronts, especially by Roman Emperors. As pagans, they tried to exterminate Christians at all costs. It was so intense that in AD 67, Emperor Nero had St. Peter and St. Paul killed. When Rome burned (AD 64-65), Nero accused and persecuted Christians. In AD 96, Emperor Domitian tried to surpass Nero’s records by brutally killing Christians, some through brutal cudgeling.

Emperor Diocletian, on 23rd February AD 303, published a general edict ordering the destruction of Christian churches and writings and reducing Christians to slave status.

The list of hostile acts, if one wishes, could go on ad infinitum.

The Catacomb of Domitilla was one of the places where Christians secretly worshipped and buried their dead. It is the only catacomb in Rome that has an underground basilica dedicated to the Holy Martyrs, Nereo and Achilleo. There, we celebrated Mass led by Fr Anthony Chiegboka.

In spite of a brief relapse during the emperorship of Julian, nicknamed the apostate, a turning point for Christians was, however, recorded in AD 314. With the help of his mother, St. Helena, Pope Sylvester (314-325) converted Constantine to Christianity. As a postscript, he initiated the transformation of pagan Rome into a Christian state.

Constantine stopped the crucifixion and breaking of legs in the Roman Empire (AD 315); and declined to celebrate the “Ludi Saeculares” at Rome because of their pagan association (AD 314). Constantine exempted the clergy of the Roman Empire from taxation (AD 315); recognized the jurisdiction of ecclesiastical courts (AD 318); forbade magic (AD 320); and prohibited heretical gatherings and divorce (AD 331).

The culminating act of his conversion was the building of the first St. Peter’s Basilica above the crypt (tomb) of St. Peter in 325. The modern St. Peter’s Basilica was, however, started in 1506 by Pope Julius II and dedicated in 1626 by Pope Urban VIII. Pope Alexander VII (1655-1667) erected the magnificent colonnade of the plaza at St. Peter’s.

The tour of St. Peter’s Basilica really proved it to be the largest church in the world.

The interior is very expansive and magnificent. It is the burial site of over 100 individuals, including Popes and notable figures. St. Peter’s Basilica is one of the papal basilicas and one of the four major basilicas of Rome. The other major basilicas (all of which are also papal basilicas) are the Basilicas of St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul Outside the Walls.

We were exposed to the fact that the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran is the highest in rank above St. Peter’s, which is not actually a cathedral. St. John Lateran is the seat of the Pope as the Bishop of Rome. The Pope holds most of the events that ordinarily should take place there at St. Peter’s because of its location – the Vatican. However, the other major basilicas and important buildings, such as Castel Gandolfo, enjoy extra-territorial status.

Everywhere we went in Rome, we were faced with classical history, especially for those of us who studied with “A New Approach to Latin”.

Talking about the Colosseum, the Forum, Trajan’s Column, the Tiber – as central to Rome as the Seine is to Paris – and the Arcs of Constantine, it was a worthwhile experience.

With knowledge of the classics, one easily notices that some of the streets in Rome are named after famous people in Roman history, such as Aurelius, the philosopher-emperor, and the Gracchi, among others.

I did not see the names of those who, despite fighting to re-barbarise Rome, like Julian, being conferred with such honour, unlike in our clime, where even the devil’s incarnates achieve posthumous honour through the strength of the Naira.

Throughout our stay in Rome, most of us lamented the state of Nigeria, noting how a chasm exists between the development in Italy and our country. Some even made it a point of prayer that Mr Peter Obi, who was also in Rome, would succeed as President and start building Nigeria as other statesmen do for their countries.

“Imagine, since we arrived, I have not heard any driver sound their horn,” one of us observed. He was also marvelling at how vehicle drivers respect pedestrians.

A town of endless bell-sounding, we do not know what some of those bells represent. As the tourism capital of Italy, one can see how concerned the Italians are about Rome. I noticed that no black man drives a taxi in Rome!

Well-planned and very neat, one observes the mature taste of the Italians. The music in their taxis is always calm and mellifluous, without any hint of chaos.

They are heavy smokers, and some of them, tongue in cheek, appear to have learned smoking before weaning. Jealous and overprotective of their women, they are also proud of their country and appear not to be interested in knowing about other countries. They remind us of a Moroccan traveller, who, after returning from a trip to Europe, exclaimed, “What a comfort to return to civilization.”

Rome is about developing one’s strong points. They have developed tourism so extensively, realizing it is a unique investment in its own right. Even their tour guides are properly trained, so they understand the importance of their trade.

Beyond providing employment, they talk about their country with cheeks bursting with pride.

All in all, the journey to Rome was fulfilling and humbling. Some of us who attended the reception at Urban University were moved to tears when Bishop Paulinus Ezeokafor spoke of the Cardinal as his son and assured him of his continued support and goodwill.

Though the highest-ranking active prelate in Nigeria today, the Cardinal spoke at the occasion and stylishly answered the most perplexing question that had previously left enquirers scratching their heads in perplexity when he said, “Archbishop Valerian Okeke remains my Metropolitan.”

And the Metropolitan assured him of the support from Nigerian Bishops. Here, one remembers St. Paul’s “Ecce quam bonum et quam iucundum habitare fratres in unum.”

At this juncture, we ask: what lessons can we learn from the trip to Rome? As the wise saying goes, education comes one-quarter from school, one-quarter from others, one-quarter from ourselves, and one-quarter from travel. As we return to Nigeria, may those of us privileged to ascend to positions of leadership learn valuable lessons from the trip.

What else, however lengthy, this piece cannot capture the impressive edifice of Catholicism nor say all that needs to be said. Therefore, a weary writer may sympathize with Tai T’ung, who in the thirteenth century issued his “History of Chinese Writing” with these words: “Were I to await perfection, my book would never be finished.”


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